Phosphoserine (pSer, pS)

Side-chain interaction preferences (Protein, DNA, RNA, chemicals)

(values are log-odds of how many contacts are seen in a set of non-redundant protein structures against how many would be expected randomly. P=protein, Chem=chemical, intra=within proteins, inter=between proteins, PTM=post-translational modificaitons, for DNA and RNA standard one-letter (ATCGU) codes used, ac=h-bond acceptor, do=h-bond donor, im=imidazole, py=pyrimidine)

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Citation: M.J. Betts, R.B. Russell. Amino acid properties and consequences of subsitutions.
In Bioinformatics for Geneticists, M.R. Barnes, I.C. Gray eds, Wiley, 2003. Buy it at Wiley or Amazon.
Author: Rob Russell, Heidelberg University