Histidine (His, H)
Substitution matrix values for His

(numbers are exchange matrix values for how favorable a substitution is; these are based on a large set of sequence alignments in each class shown above).
The possible outcomes of changing His to other amino acids
(you'll need to click on an AA below)
Single nucleotide codon changes accessible by His
(* = stop)

(numbers are the counts of amino acids that are accessible by a single nucleotide condon change for all codons or individually)
Side-chain interaction preferences for His (Protein, RNA, DNA, chemicals)
(values are log-odds of how many contacts are seen in a set of non-redundant protein structures against how many would be expected randomly. P=protein, Chem=chemical, intra=within proteins, inter=between proteins, PTM=post-translational modificaitons, for DNA and RNA standard one-letter (ATCGU) codes used, ac=h-bond acceptor, do=h-bond donor, im=imidazole, py=pyrimidine)
Other comments about His
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M.J. Betts, R.B. Russell. Amino acid properties and consequences of subsitutions.
In Bioinformatics for Geneticists, M.R. Barnes, I.C. Gray eds, Wiley, 2003.
Author: Rob Russell, Heidelberg University